#bruckner24 – Die Siebte

ANTON BRUCKNER Sinfonie Nr. 7 E-Dur


»Since Beethoven, nothing has been written that even comes close!«
The great conductor Arthur Nikisch made this remark to Bruckner’s former student, Joseph Schalk and also his fellow conductor, Hermann Levi, described the piece as »the most significant symphonic work since Beethoven’s death.« Arthur Nikisch conducted the first performance in the Stadttheater, Leipzig, on 30 December 1884, with Bruckner in the audience. While the performance was not a total triumph, it brought the sixty-year-old composer significant international recognition for the first time. During the composer’s lifetime, the Seventh, especially its Adagio, was his most popular symphony, and it remains among his most beloved and frequently performed works.


#bruckner24 – ein gemeinsamen Projekt von Bruckner Orchester Linz, Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien und dem Label Capriccio unter der Leitung von Markus Poschner, das bis 2024 alle Sinfonien Anton Bruckners in allen Fassungen vorlegen wird.
Bruckner Symphony #7 | C8091 – erschienen 04/2024


Bruckner, forsch und scharf

Rating: 5.0

»This interpretation of Bruckner’s Seventh Symphony is incredibly exciting because it is so different from many others.«

Remy Franck | Pizzicato | 06.04.2024

Une symphonie n°7 de Bruckner revigorée avec Markus Poschner 

« Joker absolu »

»On est loin de l’art intimidant d’une architecte de cathédrale sonore, Bruckner se dévoile ici, altier, conquérant, pugnace, tel un maître artisan qui cisèle un ouvrage dont la modernité orchestrale apparaît au grand jour. 

Avec l’enregistrement de la Symphonie n°5, cette Symphonie n°7 est d’emblée la lecture de référence de cette intégrale qui nous ravit au fil des parutions!«

Pierre Jean Tribot | Crescendo Magazine | 18.05.2024

Foto: Reinhard Winkler